University's Research Statement
Putting quality teaching and student development as its primary mission, HSUHK aspires that research informs teaching. Research is one of the central components in enhancing our teaching and learning quality. Impactful applied research also benefits the society and elevates our reputation. We value a collaborative, interdisciplinary and with outreach to the community.
Research Mission
To generate applicable knowledge that contributes to academic enhancement and the advancement of the society.
Research Aims
Our research aims are to:
- create new knowledge through innovative research;
- transfer applicable knowledge for local industry and community;
- enrich programme design and teaching and learning; and
- develop research and problem-solving capability of undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Research Strategy
HSUHK encourages all academic staff to conduct research that meets the needs of the University as well as other stakeholders. Our strategies include:
- provide internal supports for research activities;
- facilitate academic staff to acquire external research funding;
- identify University-wide Research Themes to promote collaborative and interdisciplinary research;
- establish School-level Strategic Research Areas to nurture promising research foci; and
- recognize and award quality research work with impact.
Research Governance and Management
HSUHK promotes an environment for supporting professional and ethical research. The University Research Committee is responsible for developing research policies and to promote quality research at HSUHK. Staff members involved in research should familiarize themselves with the principles of good research practice and to adhere to good research conduct.