The Research Centre for Translation of Buddhist Texts (佛學文獻翻譯研究中心 RCTBT) had an exceptional academic year in 2023/24, merging traditional scholarship with cutting-edge technology. The Centre's initiatives were supported by HK$45,000 from the Sin Wai Kin Chinese Culture Promotion Scheme for innovative projects promoting Buddhist teachings and HK$800,000 for the translation of the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya (《阿毗達磨俱舍論》).
In a groundbreaking development during this period, the Centre launched two digital initiatives: the "Vajracchedikā Explorer", an interactive platform for studying Sanskrit and Chinese versions of the Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā (《金剛般若波羅蜜經》), and "Kumārajīva's Translation Path", a tool for 3D exploration of the Buddhist translator's world. These web applications represent a significant step forward in making ancient Buddhist texts accessible to modern scholars and students.
The RCTBT's academic output in 2023/24 has been impressive, with the publication of two major monographs on collaborative Buddhist scripture translation in China. The Director of the Centre presented findings on translation discourses in medieval China at University College London's international conference "Nothing Happened: Translation Studies before James Holmes". The Centre also partnered with the Hong Kong Translation Society to produce a special issue of Translation Quarterly focused on Buddhist text translation.
Educational engagement reached new heights last academic year with a widely attended Zoom seminar drawing over 460 international participants. The Centre also broke new ground in applying artificial intelligence to Buddhist textual studies, as showcased in a recent talk at Hong Kong Metropolitan University.
Looking ahead to 2024/25, the Centre plans to expand its international collaborations and enhance its e-learning platforms. With student research assistants actively involved in Digital Buddhism projects, the Centre continues to bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and modern technology.
For those interested in learning more about the Centre's innovative approach to Buddhist studies, please visit our official website at and join our upcoming events.